Welcome to the ASUC Publications & Media Board!
The ASUC Publications and Media Board (PMB) is a chartered program of the ASUC that is responsible for managing an a budget of approximately $10,000 and several ASUC-allocated spaces that are dedicated to bettering the publications/media community on campus at Cal.
The PMB engages Berkeley Student Media (BSM), a campus department within the Student Union, to offer ffree programs to registered members of Cal’s 100+ student publications and media groups. These programs include free Equipment Checkouts, Graphic Design Services, Space Reservations, Marketing, Distribution, and Storage. Visit www.studentunion.berkeley.edu/student-media-center for more information.
Follow us on Instagram, @berkeleystudentmedia! For questions, email: studentmedia@berkeley.edu.
The ASUC Publications & Media Board is a chartered program of the Associated Students of the University of California, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit association.